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Successful surveillance audit for our FSSC 22000 certification

Date: 2024-09-17

FSSC 22000 certified labelsWe are pleased to announce that Dilcom has successfully passed another surveillance audit and received a new confirmation for our FSSC 22000 certification. This certification is extremely important to us as it ensures that all our processes and products meet the highest food safety and quality management requirements.


What is the FSSC 22000 standard?
FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) is the leading international standard for food safety management. It combines the requirements of ISO 22000, HACCP and specific prerequisite programs (PRPs) to provide a comprehensive safety management system. This standard applies not only to food manufacturers, but also to suppliers of materials and packaging such as the labels we produce at Dilcom, which often have direct contact with food.


What does this mean for our customers?
This certification is not only a testament to our commitment to safety and quality, but also provides our customers with the assurance that the products we offer meet the most stringent international standards. The FSSC 22000 system ensures that we actively manage food safety risks and apply the best procedures at all stages of our production.


Our FSSC 22000 certificate is valid until July 2025, but with the successful audit we passed this month, we have confirmed our persistence in maintaining these high standards.


Thank you to the entire Dilcom team for your dedication and professionalism and to our partners and customers for their trust! We will continue to invest in quality and safety to provide you with the best products on the market.